Privacy Policy Through this notice, TEXTILES BRITO (hereinafter THE COMPANY) informs users of the Portal about its policy of protection of personal data in order that they may decide expressly, freely and voluntarily, if they wish to provide personal data COMPANY that are requested them in the Portal for the provision of their services. Users incorporating data are also reported in an automated file whose owner and is responsible COMPANY, carrying out automated processing in order to inform users about promotions and offers. Unless specifically stated otherwise, is considered necessary to complete all data required forms. In the case of not providing all data considered necessary, LA COMPANY may, depending on the case, proceed to register the user or deny service specifically requested. The user must complete the forms with true, accurate, complete and current, responding to the damages that might arise due to defective filling of forms with false, inaccurate, incomplete or outdated. If the user is a minor, is required to have the consent of their parents or guardians prior to the inclusion of personal data in the forms of the Portal. The Company has adopted the security levels of protection of personal data legally required, constantly adapting to new legislation and jurisprudence. THE COMPANY guarantee the user the confidentiality of personal data with the proviso, that these are you requested by competent authority, through appropriate means and in accordance with the provisions applicable laws. However the user must be aware that security measures on the Internet are not infallible. Likewise, THE COMPANY agrees to comply with the obligation of secrecy regarding the data contained in the automated file as established as reasonable for the protection of data. The user or person representing him may at any time exercise the right of access, rectification, cancellation and, where appropriate, opposition regarding the processing of your personal data, sending a written email to THE COMPANY communication, directions in which proving the identity of the user who exercises any of the rights referred to in this paragraph. COMPANY informs users, through this notice, which uses cookies when the user Browse through the different screens and pages of the Website. Cookies are used by COMPANY stored on the user's hard drive but can not read the data contained therein or read cookies created by other providers. However, the user may prevent the generation of cookies by selecting the appropriate option in your browser. THE COMPANY uses cookies in order to recognize users who have registered and power offer them a personalized and individualized service to their needs. Cookies also are used to obtain information about the date and time of the user's last visit, measure some traffic parameters within the website itself and estimate the number of visits, allowing LA COMPANY focus and adjust services more effectively. If COMPANY lend some special service in which determine a predicted different specific to them, concerning the protection of personal data, shall have primacy application of special rules specified for that particular service above these, in case of inconsistency. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This legal notice regulates the content and use of the services on the Website TEXTILESBRITO.COM (hereinafter TEXTILES BRITO). Using BRITO you TEXTILES attributes the condition of user of the Website (hereinafter the "User") and implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions this Legal Notice, at the very moment when the user accesses the portal. in Consequently, the user must carefully read this Legal Notice each of the occasions that it intends to use the Portal, since it may be modified. This document constitutes the entire agreement between you and TEXTILES BRITO and regulate use of the Website, its services, its content, etc. replacing any agreement or contract either oral or written, between this TEXTILES previous BRITO. The User also be subject to the terms and additional conditions that may apply when you use affiliate services, content published by third parties or third party software. Some of the services offered on this Website are governed by these general conditions plus legal notices inserted in the bottom that could contain every page. The user must also carefully read the relevant Conditions. Also the use of the Site is governed by all notices, use regulations and instructions, TEXTILES published by BRITO, which substitute, complete and / or modify this Legal Notice. TEXTILES BRITO intends to provide, directly or indirectly, users access a series of on-line services, which include, but not limited illustrative: queries through contact forms, subscription to a newsletter that will be sent periodically via email, online payments, informative content, content personalized, publishers, among other illustrative content for ease of users and entertainment and enrichment of knowledge of users. Free nature. Access to Portal TEXTILESBRITO.COM is free of charge, but may be sections in which the user must enter certain data concerning your person, who TEXTILES BRITO ask you on a form, the user must fill out all required fields true, besides keeping it updated. In any event the User shall be solely responsible for any false statements or inaccurate information provided and the damage TEXTILES caused to BRITO or others for the information provided. To access TEXTILES BRITO Users are responsible for having computer equipment Internet connection, either by telephone or other technology to provide this BRITO service TEXTILES no offers users therefore the user is responsible for the costs associated with the connection and Internet access. The User agrees not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of the content or services of the Site, use of the Service, or access to the service. Privacy Policy. Users can access our Privacy Policy from any page of our portal. Minors. Minors who purchase quality BRITO TEXTILES Users must have the prior consent of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who in turn will be fully responsible for all acts performed by children in their care. Also be responsible for determining what content and services are fit to be known by children. Access and use of content and services Portal. You acknowledge and agree that the intellectual property of all information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, messages or other materials, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, are the property of TEXTILES BRITO. In cases where the user decides to make use of any service or tool that allows the User publish any information or content on the Website or through it, Users agrees and undertakes to use the tools TEXTILES BRITO under the laws that are applicable, morals, good customs, public order and content of this Legal Notice. Of, but not limited to, the User undertakes and agrees not to use the Services: Upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any Content it goes against applicable laws, morals, good customs, harm, threaten, abuse, attack, defamatory, libelous, violates the privacy of others, generate racial hatred and / or ethnic and / or religious or otherwise be contrary to the provisions of this Agreement User, in which case TEXTILES BRITO may, on becoming aware of such use, suspend User Services immediately after TEXTILES BRITO obtained that knowledge, and the user will have five days to remedy such use or express before TEXTILES BRITO what they deem appropriate; impersonate any person or entity, enter data false, altered or distorted causing the error, confusion, misunderstanding or deception; forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any Content transmitted through the Services; upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any Content it is not right to transmit under any law or under any contractual or fiduciary relationship has (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of labor or under confidentiality agreements) relationship; upload, post, copy, profit from and / or email or otherwise transmit any Content that infringes any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secrets, copyrights or other intellectual property right and / or any third party intellectual and / or TEXTILES BRITO; upload, post, email electronic or otherwise transmit any advertising, promotional materials, e junk (junk mail), chain letters, pyramid scam, or any other form of policitación, except in those areas TEXTILES BRITO that are specifically designated for that purpose (as would be in the event, auto listings sectors); upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any material containing virus computer software or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any program computer to computer or hardware or telecommunications equipment; disrupt the normal flow of dialogue, cause rapid sliding of the screen (scroll) to a speed at which other users of the Services are not able to write through computer keyboard, or otherwise act in a way that adversely affects the other users' ability to interact in real time (real time exchanges); interfere with or disrupt the Services and / or servers or networks connected internal to the services; violate any applicable laws in the country, is that municipal, provincial law, local, state, federal or international law, including, but not limited to, regulations promulgated by any stock exchange on which securities transactions are made specifically and / or any similar; and any regulations having the force of law, whether intentionally or not intention; stalk or otherwise harass another person; collect or store personal data about other; and, any other activity that is contrary to morality. Personal services introduced to other people and to access your personal information, account email, etc. You agree that is the sole responsibility of the users to evaluate and run the risk associated with the use of any Content, including in relation to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of Content; From the foregoing, you acknowledge and expressly recognizes I can not trust the Content accessible through TEXTILES BRITO. Likewise, the User acknowledges and agrees that TEXTILES BRITO can maintain and preserve their files for other personal information, the User Content and Open Forums also can reveal the same as mandated by law and / or competent authority should so required or believe in good faith that such preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to serve as evidence in legal proceedings, whether administrative or judicial; meet the Contents of this document, respond to claims involving any Content impair rights of others; or protect the rights, property, or safety of TEXTILES BRITO, its users and society in general. Regarding the use of specific services contained in TEXTILES BRITO and Forums Open the User shall be governed by the agreement in this Privacy Policy and, where appropriate, consult and stick to the Specific Agreements for each of them. Also, the User must not: use the Content illegally, with purposes contrary to the applicable laws in Mexico, the User's place of residence and / or place from where access to the Services, morale has, the morality and / or public order; reproduce, copy, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communication, transform or modify the Content, without prior authorization from owner of the corresponding rights; remove, ignore or manipulate the copyright, trademark, patent, the "copyright" and other data Identification of the rights of TEXTILES BRITO or its owners included the Content, and as technical protection devices, fingerprints or any mechanisms information that may contain the Content; and use the Content and in particular, information of any kind obtained through TEXTILES BRITO or the Services to send advertising, communications for direct sales or any other commercial purpose, unsolicited messages addressed to a number of people regardless of their purpose and to refrain from selling or disclosing any way this information. TEXTILES BRITO states and the User accepts the download or download of any content of Portal, or through any of the services provided by TEXTILES BRITO, conducted by the User will be at your own discretion and risk, so it will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer equipment, or any accessory system as well as for loss or affectation data contained therein. Public content posted by users. Users who choose to send or post any Content, whether photos, texts, videos, graphics or any other, for it to be included within the Portal in the areas of general access, Users accept and agree to give TEXTILES BRITO the universal right, in perpetuity, irrevocable, non-exclusive and fully sub-licensable right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derived works of the original, distribution, execution and presentation of such Content wholly or partially, for incorporation into other work or work in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed. In the event that the User does not agree with what is stated in the preceding paragraph, it shall refrain from submitting Content and / or unsolicited material for TEXTILES BRITO. Ban SPAM sending through email service provided by TEXTILES BRITO. In the event that TEXTILES BRITO grant him the user email account for personal, the User shall not carry out the following activities: Collect data for advertising purposes and to transmit any kind of publicity and communications purpose of sale or other commercial without any prior request and consent. Sending any other unsolicited messages or previously consented to a plurality of persons. Send chains of unsolicited emails or consented. Using distribution lists which can be accessed through the Services to perform the activities outlined in the preceding paragraphs. Make available to third parties for any purpose, data collected from lists distribution. Users performing any of the activities outlined in the preceding paragraphs, should legally respond to Users or third parties harmed by receiving unsolicited messages. The User shall not obtain or attempt to obtain content through TEXTILES BRITO or Services by means or procedures other than those, as appropriate, have been made available for this purpose or have indicated to this effect on web pages Content Portal where they are, or generally those commonly employed in Internet for this purpose. Modification, cancellation, suspension and termination of services. The provision of the Portal service and other services is indefinite. Run Out But TEXTILES BRITO may terminate or suspend the service of the Portal and / or any of the Services at any time without prejudice to any provisions about this Legal Notice or the corresponding conditions established for each service in particular. TEXTILES BRITO no commitment at any time to warn the previously Users modification, cancellation, suspension or termination of the services of the Portal. TEXTILES BRITO have the right to modify or discontinue the content of the Website or any of services or any part thereof, temporarily or permanently, at any time and periodically. TEXTILES BRITO not be liable to any User or third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Service. TEXTILES BRITO may withdraw or suspend at any time and without prior notice the providing the Services to users who violate the provisions of this Notice Legal. On services where prior registration is required User, you can TEXTILES BRITO at any time, cancel or terminate your password, account (or any part thereof) or your use of the Service and to remove or delete any Content within the Service, for any reason, including without limitation, for lack of use or if it considers that the User has violated or acted against this document or the essence of Portal. Therefore, you agree that TEXTILES BRITO not be liable in any case before the User or third party for any termination of your access to or services. Advertising and links to other sites. TEXTILES BRITO offers through its portal links to other sites outside TEXTILES BRITO, through links, banners, buttons or other devices that allow the user direct access to the mentioned sites, with the aim of facilitating the user access to them and their contents. TEXTILES BRITO not be liable for damages and prejudices arising from: the performance, availability, access or continuity of sites that provide links. Maintaining the information, content and services of the sites to which it links and publishing content and services in these locations outside TEXTILES BRITO. Promotions. Eventually, TEXTILES BRITO allow its CLIENTS promote their products or services through promotions, competitions, etc. Users may freely decide on his own responsibility, participate in promotions displayed on the Portal of TEXTILES BRITO. These promotions do not represent any obligation TEXTILES BRITO, any terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such promotions, are understood as exclusive between you and the advertiser and / or sponsor, so TEXTILES BRITO not be liable for the accuracy, functionality, content and quality of the products and / or services or if the payment made. The User acknowledges and agrees that TEXTILES BRITO not be responsible or liable for loss or damage of any kind resulting from the above promotions, or is the result the relationship between you and the advertiser or sponsor or the presence of such advertisers or sponsors on the Site. Intellectual Property. You acknowledge and agree that the Service and any necessary software used in connection with the Portal contain confidential information that is protected by applicable laws Intellectual and other property rights. Furthermore, you agree that content contained in sponsor advertisements or advertisers or information published by the Portal or advertisers is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws. with Except as expressly authorized by TEXTILES BRITO or its customers, the User agree not to modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute or create derivative works Based on the content or software, partially or completely. TEXTILES BRITO gives a right, personal, nontransferable license, and non-exclusive license to use software, access to the Website and its contents in a single computer equipment, provided that no copy, modify, create a derivative work of, reverse engineer, reverse assemble or otherwise attempt to discover any source code, sell, assign, sublicense, grant a security interest in or otherwise transfer any right in the software. Meanwhile User is obliged not to modify in any way the software or content or using modified versions thereof, including without limitation, the purpose of gaining unauthorized access to restricted services and content offered. Therefore, the user agrees not to access the Site by any means other than the interface users provided for that purpose by TEXTILES BRITO. TEXTILES BRITO respects the intellectual property of others, so that users are undertake to respect them equally. Notice financial information published on the site. If TEXTILES BRITO posted on the Website any information relating to matters financial, is solely for informational purposes, not for trading or investing purposes, so TEXTILES BRITO not liable for the accuracy, usefulness or availability of any Information published in this sense in the Portal. Therefore, TEXTILES BRITO not be responsible or liable for any decisions commercial or investment that the user makes based on such information, including, but not limited to news, messages, warnings or any other information about companies, stock quotes, investments or securities. Indemnification. The User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless, harmless to TEXTILES BRITO, their subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, co-branders or other partners and employees from any claim or demand, including attorneys' fees, made by any third party due to content, or emerged from the User Content posted, submit, post or transmit through any of the TEXTILES services offered by BRITO, your use of the Service, your connection to the Service, your violation of this Legal Notice or the specific conditions of service, or your violation of any rights of another. TEXTILES points BRITO e-mail:,, sales @ to receive notices and communications. Notifications or communications sent to an address other than the indicated not They considered effective for any purpose.

Law and Jurisdiction.

In case of dispute between TEXTILES BRITO and Users, the parties submit form expressly and irrevocably to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the city of Puebla, Mexico, under the laws United States of Mexico, thus waiving any jurisdiction that may apply by reason of their current or future domicile.

TEXTILES BRITO hereby makes the knowledge of their users or customers that the content and use of the Website is reserved and directed solely to a wider audience 18 and that the territory in which TEXTILES BRITO accepts and distributes orders is understood by Mexico and the United States, under the conditions presented in The following sections.


All prices listed products through the website include VAT. Shipping is free anywhere in Mexico, provided the minimum purchase is of $ 1,000.00. For minor domestic purchases to $ 999.99, shipping is priced at $ 100.00 and shipments United States please contact the email:,, to quote shipping.

This amount must be accepted and paid prior to the shipment is made, directly and exclusively by the User. If you require express parcel service or if you have any account in a specific parcel, please contact the above post. availability:

Sometimes, due to causes not easily controlled by TEXTILES BRITO, may happen that no Products are taken into existence through no fault TEXTILES BRITO. For this reason, they are asked to Users, contact the post above mentioned, when your order amount exceeds 130 meters (equivalent to a roll approx.) Payment The User is obliged to pay the full price of the products you purchase at the same time ordering in question. The initial price stated on the website for each of the products offered, they will be joined by the corresponding to the shipping, which in his case amounts generated. In any case, such amounts or rates will be previously communicated to the user before completing the purchase. Payment options the customer has are: Visa, MasterCard, OXXO, Carnet or through the payment system PayPal. Which offer the possibility to pay with credit card or Debit. The following shows the credit and / or debit card you can use with PayPal: United States: You can use the credit cards Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express to pay with PayPal. Mexico: You can use the credit cards Visa, MasterCard or Discover. Furthermore, since October 1, 2013, you also can use American Express. If your debit card is, he can use only if issued by Bancomer, Banamex banks, Banorte, Santander and HSBC. Also, we accept any type of card issued by such banks. Deadlines, place of delivery by mistake Product delivery In order to optimize the delivery, thank the user to indicate a direction in which the order will be delivered within normal working hours, ie from Monday to Friday.

TEXTILES BRITO not be responsible for errors caused in delivery occurs when the direction of Delivery entered by the user or buyer in the order form does not exist, or does not comply with reality or have been omitted.

The goods will be delivered as follows, as applicable:

    • Rolls: The presentation varies with the type of fabric (approx 100mts to 130mts.).
    • Metro: From 1mts.
    • Ironing: The presentation box containing bias is 25mts. There are 3 steps: 14 mm, 16 mm and 25 mm. Colors: Smooth, stripes, pets.
    • 100% cotton: The presentation box containing bias is 25mts. there are 3 measurements: 14 mm, 16 mm and 25 mm. Colours: white and raw.
  • For special cases, taking into account the following:
    • Preparation of special fabrics: For the preparation of special fabrics please contact an adviser.
    • Preparation of fabrics in special colors: For making fabrics in special colors must be minimum orders 1,000mts by each color and give a 50% deposit to secure the purchase. It is important that you contact Sales Consultant for details

The colors, weights and measures fabrics and bias shown on the website are representative and may vary, so TEXTILES BRITO not responsible for the color, the weight and dimensions of the website do not match what the client received. Colors vary depending on production batches and resolution of your computer, laptop, tablet, mobile, etc.


The usual delivery of TEXTILES BRITO usually between 3 to 5 business days counted from the full payment of the goods. Failure to take stock or stock the product, the deadline for delivery is 45 business days. The day ends preparation order TEXTILES BRITO notify the user via email, sent to the last address provided for such purpose by the Purchaser, confirming the departure of (the) Product (s) in our factory.

These deadlines are average deadlines, and therefore are only an estimate and not a guarantee of compliance because delivery is made via parcel services outside TEXTILES If the had